
Frimware LENOVO Tab 2A 710f (indonesia) 100% work


Unofficial Rom (5.1.1) untuk lenovo tab 2A (tanpa kartu sim)

gubuk alkalali - Halo sobat android kali ini, kami ingin berbagi file flash via sp_flashtool tentang rom lenovo tab 2A. untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada tab lenovo yang hank logo, verifikasi akun DLL, semua teratasidengan file dari kami (insyaallah)

Mediatek MT8172 adalah tipe chipsetnya sebelumnya simak penjelasan dibawah ini tentang chipset mediatek:

MediaTek is the world’s 4th largest global fabless semiconductor company and powers more than 1.5 billion devices a year. We lead the market in chipset technology for Smart TVs, Voice Assistant Devices (VAD), Android tablets, feature phones, Optical and Blu-ray DVD players, and we’re number two globally in mobile phones. We build chips that are less about connecting people to their devices and more about connecting your devices to what matters. Connecting to the things that shape our lives, makes us smarter, healthier and improve everyday life. At MediaTek, our technology is built with humans in mind to enhance and enrich life. We believe technology has to be great – not expensive. And great technology should be accessible to everyone. MediaTek wants to make the world a more inclusive place, where smart and connected is an equal opportunity. That’s why Mediatek works with the brands you love and gives our partners and their customers feature rich, premium technology at affordable mass-market prices. We power possibility for the world’s billions of people to explore their true potential – their Everyday Genius. You may not know it, but our chips and technology are already likely part of your everyday life. You will find us in 20 percent of homes globally and nearly 1 of every 3 mobile phones is powered by MediaTek.(english language)

Download Information

  • Filename: T2-A7-10F_S57_160701_ROW_unofficial.rar
  • Uploaded: 2018-Jul-03 10:28:51
  • MD5 Hash: edf676f9f117756ff60043602db61989 
  • Downloads: 5157
  • Size: 925.38MB

Download file nya : (------DISINI-------)

Cara Flash sebagai berikut ini :

  1. Buka hasil ekstrakan file yang telah didownload tadi. ( pass-file: )
  2. Instal usb driver mediatek.
  3. Buka folder (SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Windows_v5.1428.00.000).
  4. Run as administration (jalankan) flash_tool.aplication.
  5. Masukan file firmware nya di folder "target_bin"/MT8127_Android_scatter.txt pada sp_flashtool pilih "scatter_loading -file" cari dan pilih file /MT8127_Android_scatter.txt.
  6. Tunggu Loading file frimware nya selesai".
  7. Pilih Pada sp_flashtool "firmware upgrade".
  8. Jalankan "DOWNLOAD" PADA sp_flashtool".
  9. Terakhir colokan dan tekan tombol volume atas dari tab lenovo 2A ke kabel usb yang sudah di colokan ke pc/sebelumnya.
  10. Dan Tunggu sekitar 15 menit, proses flashing sedang berjalan".
  11. Akan Ada Tanda (cek list berlogo hijau) yang menandakan "BERHASIL" selesai.
Bagaimana sudah hidupkah tab lenovo nya, jika sudah maka ucapkanlah syukur kepada sang maha pencipta. Alhamduillah!! sekarang bantu dengan share artikel ini atau artikel lainnya yang bermanfaat ke teman dan saudara anda, agar semua bisa merasakan manfaatnya. jika ada kritik dan saran bisa berkomentar dengan baik di kolum komentar dibawah ini, jika kami online maka kami pasti membalas nya. Sekian/ SALAM-

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